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by - Usha Gope, 26 Feb 2023

Body, Mind and Soul 
The phrase “mind, body, and soul” refers to the connection and relationship between these three aspects of yourself.
Mind: Mind controls our thoughts and is responsible for your own thoughts, belief and actions. 
Body: Body is the physical aspect that carries life and allows to experience through 5 senses. 
Soul: Soul is unseen and intangible aspect, which also can be refer as our essence and gut. 
Together, body, mind and soul makes a way to understand us as " A Whole Person ". A Whole Person has personal and professional lives that interconnect —  mental, physical, and spiritual components not only influencing three spheres but also interacting with each other at the same time. 
If we talk in scientific way, these are three dimensions that create and control the connection via nervous system, and their interaction results in our overall state of being. 
As we say health is wealth, we try to keep ourselves fit and happy to lead a better life in three aspects. All three together called Holistic Fitness. Holistic fitness is a health regimen that addresses more than just muscle strength and endurance. It seeks to improve the fitness of the physical body along with intellectual and emotional health. Holistic health embraces the concept of balance.
A Healthy Mind
Someone with a healthy mind keeps the brain exercised regularly, and stress and worry are kept at bay by choice. Positive thoughts, gratitude, and a feeling of joy are present, and there is a thirst for knowledge and learning. Just like the brain requires sleep every night, the brain also requires things to think about and to ponder.
A Healthy Body
A healthy body is free of disease and illness, and it is not riddled with pain. Bodily health is also made possible by a healthy diet, good nutrition, and regular exercise.
A healthy body naturally wants to move and seeks activity. Maintaining physical health also includes keeping regular checkups with your primary care doctor in order to prevent illness, or to detect it and treat it right away if a disease does exist.
A Healthy Spirit
Being spiritual is being centered and having an understanding that you are part of something much bigger than yourself. Facilitating a healthy spirit includes being part of a community to share yourself with others, and to give without expecting anything tangible in return. A healthy spirit requires love and spreads love. 
Let's look how we can achieve the holistic fitness in our day to day life. 
1. Eat healthy
2. Hydrate
3. Drink in moderation
4. Get enough sleep
5. Move your body
6. Just breathe
7. Go outside
8. Communicate
9. Accept yourself
10.Create something
11. Make positive changes 
12. Take care of your financial health as well.